Established in 1946 by E. W. “Bill” and Charles “ Pat” Pickett as petroleum landmen for prospect generation of real estate, infield drilling, exploration, production and lease acquisition in Liberty County, Texas.
I started as a roughneck for Stanley Well Service in 1975 and as a petroleum landman 1981, Texas real estate licensed agent 1984 and prospect generation 1985 in Liberty, Texas being a 6th generation Texan from the Republic to the present, where my grandfather drilled the South Liberty Oil Field discovery well in 1925 with my Great Grandfather, E. B. Pickett, son of the President of the Texas Constitutional Convention of 1875, Col. E. B. Pickett, Sr., the first President of the board of directors of Texas A & M University and a good friend of General Sam Houston. My mothers grandfather, A. E. Bush, founder of Liberty County Abstract and Title, est. 1912 with Maco Stewart founder of Stewart Title.
Viva Cristo Rey.
Jeffrey B. Pickett - Liberty County Landman